"It all started when I worked as a design lead at a busy medium size charity. Resource was scarce and my team were constantly pushed to deliver crazy amounts design and digital products for day-to-day fundraising and projects. We needed a solution. Fast..."
Allie Walters - Co-Founder, Brand Meadow

Always growing

Our Story

Meadow is an easy to use design platform for not-for-profits and growing business.

We make user friendly products that empower your team to create and share beautifully designed marketing content with everyone who loves your brand. Whatever your cause or enterprise, we make it easy to automate your design, so that you can always grow, share and protect your brand-all in one place.

Meadow started as a side project in the not-for-profit sector and today we are a growing business with customers in the charity, tech, service and agency sectors. Our headquarters are based in the bustling seaside town of Brighton.

We understand the pain points

Our Founders

In 2015, Allie Walters and Dean Hodges started building a product to help charities manage their extensive design needs. It all started with Allie’s first hand experience of working as a design and digital lead at a busy medium size charity…

“Getting the day-to-day design requests done needed to be balanced with the brand refresh work, as well as managing the creative for new campaigns and websites.

We were just a small team and were battling to keep on top of the day-to-day needs; designing for multiple social media platforms and fundraising campaigns.

We needed a solution to free up our design process, strengthen our brand and empower our fundraisers to create fundraising materials whenever they need them.”

In 2015, Allie met her Co-Founder, Dean. Dean is one of those rare friends- an international award winning graphic designer and a tech wizard! He was also on a quest to solve the very same problem Allie had faced…

“I was working within the charity sector, building campaign website and technologies for some big names. I could see that charities were struggling to get that balance right between controlling their brand yet freeing it up.

I met Allie and heard her story. I was on the same mission to create a super simple, highly intuitive graphic design product to help charities punch above their weight.

Ultimately creating marketing tools is about generating awareness and raising more funds for great causes.”

In 2014, we launched generation one of our product. This is enabled charities to log-in and create branded marketing materials easily and quickly. In 2017, we partnered with our joint venture (Ben Fielder), secured seed funding and soon started to work on generation two of our product. Generation two launched in 2018 and included much more flexibility, allowing users to drag and drop a variety of templates to their artboard, integrate and share on social media platforms and post templates for their supporters to use on their charity websites. It also included design collaboration walls and deeper more meaningful analytics to see what teams and supporters were creating, who were creating them and where they were being shared to.

As our product and team continues to grow we hold true to our mission. To empower growing brand makers with beautiful, user friendly design and content software and become the go to design and content software for most growing businesses and causes around the world.

Brand Meadow has a new home in the sunny seaside town of Hastings! It is now part of a new technology focused family pushing innovation and ideas back into the local community. From Consultancy through to Direct Mail and business systems our brand values are clear; we want to help, inspire everyone we work with and build successful relationships. We truly love what we do!

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